Monday, September 18, 2023

Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher

 Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher/ Black-backed Kingfisher/Three-toed Kingfisher

with a frog kill Biological Name: Ceyx Erithaca 

Regional Name: तिबोटी खंड्या

Gears Used:

Camera: Canon 600D

Lens: Tamron 150-600 mm VC USD G2

One of the most colourful birds found in the Western ghats area of Indian Subcontinent. Many nicknames have been given to this beautiful bird. "Flying Rainbow", "colourbomb", "Jewel of Western Ghats/Konkan". Many photographers desire to capture this bird through their gear from across the sub continent. Even if you will ask me this bird was always on my wish list and since Kingfisher bir is so special for me and I have a desire to capture all its breeds found in the Indian subcontinent. I had earlier got a record shot of this beautiful bird as I didn't possess a good telephoto zoom lens in my kit. I was waiting for this moment from when. So, for a whole day w waited for this bird and we did get some of the stills with different kills on 10-15 occassions. This is another of my favourite clicks where thi beauty appeared in front of us for a few minutes with a frog kill. The size of the kill depends on how young its chicks are.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Short-Eared Owl

Short-Eared Owl 

Biological Name: Asio Flammeus Regional Name: छोट्या कानाचे घुबड

Gears Used:

Camera: Canon 80D Lens: Tamron 150-600 mm VC USD G2

"Sometimes it is very much necessary to have eyes in the back of your head!!!"

After the morning trail, in the afternoon we set out in search of some of the owls in the vicinity. After capturing some other birds, we came to this particular patch where this mysterious Short-Eared Owl is seen. This owl had perched itself on the solitary rock surrounded by dry grass on all sides. This particular owl is found in such type of dry grassland patches which provides a perfect camouflage as it easily gets merged in the habitat and is not visible to the naked eye. As we were not the only ones to capture this owl through the camera there were others too and this mysterious owl was observing everyone turn by turn. All of a sudden he gave a head on stare towards me, which gave me this beautiful and one of my favourite frames..✌🏻✨

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Blue Mormon

Blue Mormon 

Biological Name: Papilio Polymnester Regional Name: राणी पाकोळी

Gears Used:

Camera: Canon 600DL

Lens used: Tamron 150-600 mm VC USDG2

I had earlier shared the habitat capture of this beautiful butterfly, so in this particular picture I wanted to share the portrait shot of this beautiful butterfly. The main advantage of having some flowering plants around you leads to the capture of such beautiful butterflies. This is one of my favourite butterflies to capture as it is a very large swallowtail type of butterfly and looks amazingly impressive when it flutters around. It was just around for 5-10 minutes in front of my house sucking nectare from the flowers nearby, during which I was able to capture this movement. It is the fourth largest butterfly in the Indian Sub-continent and also it is the state butterfly of Maharashtra.

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Long-Tailed Shrike

Long-Tailed Shrike

Biological Name: Lanis Schach 
Regional Name: लांब शेपटीचा खाटीक

Gears Used:

Camera: Canon 600D 
Lens Used: Tamron 150-600 mm VC USD G2

We had come to this particular location to capture some waders nearby the water bodies. I was looking around to spot a bird nearby the dense shrubs foliage. I saw a bird perched up on a flowering stem in the early morning sunlight. It was there for few minutes which was enough for me to click it properly with some different stills. I wonder how many years this habitat will be preserved in the coming years as due to the on going projects related to transport and housing projects this habitat is on the verge of getting destroyed...!!!

Friday, July 28, 2023

Bengal tiger


A very happy global Tiger day - Global Tiger Day is celebrated every year on July 29th as a way to raise awareness about this magnificent but endangered big cat.

Also, a day to acknowledge the efforts of the foot soldiers, the forest department, various NGO's and individuals who are working tirelessly towards the conservation of this magnificent species. Let their tribe grow!

The Royal Bengal tigers mainly inhabit the tropical forests of the Indian sub-continent, but in Bhutan, they have been recorded as high as 4,500 meters above sea level. As a top predator, tigers play an important role in maintaining a diverse and healthy forest ecosystem within their habitat landscapes

Blue-Eared Kingfisher


Blue-Eared Kingfisher 

Biological Name: Alcedo Meninting Regional Name: नीलकर्ण खंड्या / निळ्या कानाचा धीवर

Gears Used:

Camera: Canon 600D 

Lens: Tamron 150-600 mm VC USD G2

A very late post which I had clicked during my second visit to As I have already mentioned the sighting of the bird after giving some time and patience I was able to capture this beautiful and rare kingfisher near the stream area of the forest stay. I was lucky enough to capture this rare blue-eared kingfisher in different postures with head turn towards the left and also towards the right direction with its beak at an angle. Luckily for me it perched for 10 min in which I was able to capture different postures of this rare bird and was able to record some of its movements which I have posted earlier. I was very much lucky to cover the two rare species of the Kingfisher bird during this visit...✌🏻✨

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Siberian Stonechat

Siberian Stonechat 

Biological Name: Saxicola Torquatus Regional Name: गप्पीदास/गोजा

Gears Used:

Camera: Canon 600D

 Lens: Tamron 150-600 mm VC USD G2

After the monsoon and after vaccination finally we went for a birding session at this spot. Accompanied by  sir and  we had a good session on a cloudy morning which we feared due to the untimely rains which we had experienced during our departure. We had our focus on some other water birds and some other birds but to our disappointment there was not much action. During the remainder of our session at a particular spot where there was dry grass a Siberian Stonechat was quite bold and was giving some good postures alongwith head turns at the right time with proper Bokeh in the background I was able to capture this bold bird and frame it properly. It was quite bold and it didn't shy away or it did not show any signs of discomfort even after our movements.

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Amur Falcon (Female)

Amur Falcon (Female) 

Biological Name: Falco Amurensis Regional Name : अमूर ससाणा

Gears Used:

Camera: Canon 600D

Lens: Tamron 150-600 mm VC USD G2

"Standing alone is better than standing with people who don't value you."

Another different angle of this lifer bird for me. This particular spot serves as the perfect habitat for these migratory birds as it gets its food in abundance. After reaching at this particular spot we saw around 4 Amur Falcon Female but we couldn't spot the male. I was able to capture this after waiting patiently for some time as it was constantly changing its postures and it's position as it was getting bothered by people again and again as some idiots were approaching it closer even though they were equipped with their tele zoom lenses and even point and shoot cameras.

Monday, July 10, 2023

Asian Brown Flycatcher

Asian Brown Flycatcher 

Biological Name: Muscicapa Dauurica Regional Name: तपकीरी माशीमार

Gears Used:

Camera: Canon 600D

Lens: Tamron 150-600 mm VC USD G2

Another angle of this flycatcher which I have shared very late. I was exploring the area around So when I started for this particular patch, I had observed that the road was surrounded by dense to medium shrubs, and some huge trees on both the sides. When I arrived at this thorn laden tree, I had seen the moment of some of the birds on the tree like the Drongos, the Black hooded Oriole, and this Asian Brown Flycatcher. As it was afternoon the light conditions were somewhat harsh so I had to make some adjustments to take the above shot. The bird itself had perched on one of the branch which was above me, due to which I didn't get a proper eye level shot, this is what I could achieve.

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Lesser Kestrel (Male)

Lesser Kestrel (Male)

Biological Name: Falco Naumanni Regional Name: चिनी ससाणा/छोटा खरूची

Gears Used:

Camera: Canon 600D

Lens: Tamron 150-600 mm VC USD G2

On a chilly winter morning accompanied by we set off for this beautiful location. After reaching there I was able to capture the three lifers of the three raptors. After we captured some of the other birds earlier we set off to explore the area nearby. One of the lifer birds which I was able to capture at this place alongwith the Amur Falcon. This particular place serves as the perfect habitat for this bird. As people started approaching this bird it changed its location moved further upwards. It perched itself on a thorn laden branch of a shrub. I was able to capture this beautiful portrait where it stayed for some time calmly as people were approaching it and making it uncomfortable for the bird.

Common Kingfisher/Small Blue

Common Kingfisher/Small Blue


Biological Name: Alcedo Atthis

Regional Name: छोटा खंड्या

Gears Used:

Camera: Canon 600D

Lens Used: Tamron 150-600 mm VC USDG2

It is always a joy for me to capture this beautiful bird. No matter how many times I have captured it I always like to capture this Common Kingfisher. I have captured many frames and postures of this bird. This one truly stands out as I got to click this posture at the right time when it truly had its head turned to check out the surroundings in the vicinity. One of my favourite frames of this common yet beautiful bird.

Friday, July 7, 2023

Good Morning Fresh Nature Images | Nature Good Morning Pics

Sharing fresh and beautiful good morning nature images with your friends in the morning makes you energetic and refresh. Seeing a beautiful natural picture with trees, flowers, and rivers always makes everyone refresh because nature is our Home. An awesome good morning nature image HD Whatsapp picture would be best choice to photo to share in the morning. Beautiful good morning nature wallpapers and HD pics are the best way to start your day and to wish a very beautiful good morning to your friends.

Nature Blogs I Enjoy


I'm always happy to find good nature blogs. This is a collection of links to the ones I liked best. I love photography with evocative prose. Feel free to add the ones you love to the comment section below.

My own blog here at Wild Ozark is filled with nature photography, like the fungi below, art and my own musings along with posts about our homesteading life and the woodland plants.

I have artwork, too.

But my blogging on nature and my art is pretty much focused on the small area of Wild Ozark. And lately I've been more focused on my art than on photography or blogging. I love nature from all over though, so I'm building a list of the other nature blogs out there that inspire and evoke in me a love of nature.

I hope they give you the same sense of how sacred our Earth and all the life on it is.